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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Blog of the Week - AskSheShe.com

This fun Q & A blog is from the creators of shesheme.com, which is a great fashion site, too. Just ask any fashion question you want, and their fashionista girls will respond with a fabulous answer! Here is how SheSheMe describes it:

This is where She She Girls go to find the latest styles and the hottest trends; where your fashion, beauty and lifestyle questions are answered, and the thoughts, ideas and comments of all She She Girls are encouraged and welcomed! Just remember, keep it clean and keep it fun!

The latest posts ask about what to wear to Vegas and how diamonds are a girl's best friend. How could you go wrong with that?! Make sure to sign up to be on their e-mail list. They send you occasional e-mails full of great fashion advice and links to adorable outfits.