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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Me in Pictures

I saw this on It's a Wonderful Life and thought it would be fun!

Details: you must type the answer to each question into a Google Image search, then pick an image from the first page of results.

Feel free to do one, too!

1. Age at next birthday: i have no clue why this picture came up, but it made me laugh.

2. Place I would like to travel: bahamas, baby

3. My favorite place:

4. My favorite objects: I have a lot more faves, but I didn't quite find the right kind of pics.

5. My favorite food: this is the best ice cream ever!

6. My favorite color: i want to upgrade my CHI to this one!

7. My nickname: I'm a tall (5' 11") redhead!

8. The place I was born: (not in a barn, silly, but this is a famous barn in my hometown)