For those of you who were ever in 4-H or FFA or did some horse judging, you will sympathize with one of my cold sore stories - As a high school sophomore, me and my sister were on the State Champion Horse Judging Team that went to nationals. Of course, cold sores (aka fever blisters, canker sores, little bastards) are sometimes brought on by stress, and I was a little tense... OK, a LOT tense. I got not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE cold sores as I prepared to judge in Kentucky.
Pain like that not many people know - to make matters worse, when judging horses, you have to give your reasons for

But back to my product review. I have used many products in my lifetime for this. Today's review is of my two faves - they are amazing.
Aveeno Advanced Relief Cold Sore Treatment
Pros: All natural, makes your lips feel good, no sticky residue (unlike aloe vera), works quickly (if you put it on at the first sight of a sore, no one will even know you have one!)
Cons: Expensive, small amount, the packaging makes you sometimes squeeze out too much without a way to put it back OR you can't get enough out when the tube is almost empty
Grade: A
Price: around $10
Where to buy: drugstores, Target, Wal-Mart, drugstore.com, amazon.com (pack of 2)
C.O. Bigelow Medicated Mentha Lip Remedy
Pros: makes your lips feel great (tingly & wonderful), no sticky residue, works quickly, numbs your lips slightly so you don't feel the pain, smells & tastes delicious, cute & functional packaging, easy application
Cons: Bath & Body Works isn't everywhere
Grade: A+
Price: $9.50, or 3 for $15
Where to buy: Bath & Body Works stores or bathandbodyworks.com (if you buy 3 C.O. Bigelow lip care products, you get them for all for $15!)
Ones that did not work well for me: Herpecin-L, just straight aloe vera (yick), lysine supplements, carmex...
Happy Shopping!