Along with the whole bridesmaid bit, comes the inevitable ghost-like whiteness of my skin. I love being a redhead for many reasons, but our fair, unable-to-tan skin is not one of them. But I profane of baking in the sun (or in a tanning bed) to get that beautiful glow. Thankfully, our great world has come up with some very nifty products that make me tan without overexposure to the sun (the red-headed lobster look is so not in style). So let me tell you a bit about the bronzers I enjoy. Right now, I am using Nivea, but I have just started using it, so I do not have that great of a review yet. It has worked well so far, but has been more prone to streaking. It might be because I have not been doing this for a while, or it could be because this one is a little more powerful than what I am used to.

This next one I have not tried (it's like $32 a pop, and I rather stick to the $6-$10 range of the others). This fancy pink bottle promises to give you a great air-brush tan from the comfort of your home, plus it is not supposed to make your clothes tan, too! That is my #1 complaint about sunless tanners - my bras, towels, underwear always become a shade of tan, but a turn through the washer usually gets rid of it.

My fellow blogger friend, Sarah, likes the Oil of Olay version, but I have not tried it. Check out her thoughts on this one by clicking on the picture of the lotion. You will be transferred to her amazing blog - View from the Front Porch.

I have also not tried this one by Aveeno, but I love many of their products and think that I would feel the same way about this one. The nifty two-tone, dual-lotion bottle makes me want to buy it. I am going to try this one next!

Finally, Dove Energy Glow is my fallback. It has always worked for me, but I like to try others to try to find the best. Happy Sunless Sunning!
p.s. Click on the pictures to find out where to purchase the tanners.